Parent Feature
Meet John - an Everyday Superhero Dad
Everyday we encounter parents from all walks of life and different ways of parenting. But at the root of parenting is a foundation of LOVE. We will highlight a series of everyday moms and dads whom in the eyes of their children are their superheroes. In these stories, we explore the different perspectives found in raising kids and learn from each other.
Simple actions speak a language of parenting love - driving their kids to school, teaching compassion and responsibility, and being the kids’ biggest fan at games. Here is John’s story of fatherhood.
How has fatherhood changed you and what are some lessons you've learned from it?
John: I couldn’t even begin to list all the ways fatherhood has changed me. Fatherhood has made me patient. These little humans I’m responsible for are trying to figure out life and they rely on us as parents to help them learn and grow. That doesn’t come quickly or perfectly for them. You must be patient with them and understanding and love them…which brings me to my next point. To be a parent is to love unconditionally.
Each of my 3 children are VERY different from each other and they each have their own strengths, weaknesses, dreams and fears. I love them each differently, but just as much as the other. They all want to have a special one-on-one relationship with me and I do the best I can to love them uniquely.
Lastly, fatherhood has taught me to be compassionate and charitable. Once you become a parent, you will do anything for your children, as cliché as that sounds. It’s true. We stay up all night nursing sick children back to health, we sacrifice our personal time to be with them, we give our kids the last few bites of our favorite dessert because it puts a smile on their face, we go to the ends of the earth to find that one toy they want for Christmas. There are so many times when our needs have to take a backseat to their needs, but we do it willingly and happily because we love them.
On family time
The most important conversations you have with your children will be at the dinner table. We usually sit down and eat together. It gives every child a voice in family. Most nights we do homework together. Monday nights are family nights. We spend time together reading, playing games and doing things together. We may even get dessert somewhere.
Matching creates a connection between father and son
My son loves to match, because to him it makes us the same. It makes him feel grown up. It makes him feel connected to me and it shows others that he’s mine and I’m his. He wants us to wear the same ties to church, or the same baseball hat, or similar shoes or our Twinsies Rock shirts. Oscar Wilde said, “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery”. It’s true. The fact that my son wants to be just like me tells me that I must be doing something right.
I love my girls to death, but having a boy is special in a different way. My son idolizes me. He hugs me when I walk in the door from work. He wants to do things with me. He tries to impress me with hard he can hit a baseball, or what he can build with Legos or how fast he can or what facts he learned at school.
On fatherhood
Being a Dad is the best. To me there is no greater title than “Father”. Being a parent is the most important role in the world. Can you imagine what this world would be like if every child had loving parents, who cared for their children, taught their children values, were engaged with their children and their children knew they were loved unconditionally? It would be a much better place. All I can do is the very best I can and I often miss the mark. They are only children so long, and we must enjoy them, love them, and provide them with the tools to handle what life will throw at them.
Don’t take tomorrow for granted: that one day things were put into perspective
When my middle daughter was 3 weeks old she came down with a terrible fever. Her face went white and she became very lethargic. We had never experienced anything like that with our other children. We began to panic. It was the middle of the night and my wife wanted to call the paramedics. I told her that I would get us to the hospital faster. So we jumped in the car and ran every red light until we were at the ER. Doctors thought she had meningitis and we weren’t sure if our sweet 3 week old would survive. We spent weeks in the hospital, lost countless hours of sleep holding and feeding our baby and making sure she received the best care possible.
She pulled through. But the feeling of potentially losing a child is gut wrenching. My heart goes out to anyone who has lost a child. All parents, at some point wish that our children didn’t have to get sick or hurt and that we could suffer that for them, so they wouldn’t have to. I wished that I could take her place.
The difference that this event made on me was that I don’t want to take tomorrow for granted. We never know what tomorrow brings, so try to make each day count.
Favorite quote
Never let a problem to be solved become more important than a person to be loved.
- Thomas S. Monson
A Quilting Mom: Supporting Small Businesses
Here at Twinsies Rock we are all about supporting small businesses and the passion that goes behind labors of love. John’s wife, Morgan, makes beautifully crafted modern quilts and has a keen eye for patterns and colors. Check out her Etsy @MorganKelly and Instagram @MorganKellyQuilts. Mention Twinsies Rock for a special discount!
Thank you John for sharing your story on fatherhood and being a role model for your 3 beautiful children.